
For teens in Grades 8—12

What is Cteen?

Cteen Conejo is a warm, fun, social experience that enables Jewish teens who are discovering themselves to feel supported, valued, and build meaningful relationships

When do we meet?

See the 2019 calendar at cteenconejo.com.

Our Goal

Cteen provides opportunities for teens to have meaningful Jewish experiences and discover the value in helping others. Spirited Shabbatons and Holiday Happenings inspire teens and instill Jewish pride

Regional and INTL Events

Cteen Conejo is part of an international network of more then 250 teen groups. In February we meet with 2,000 fellow teens at the international CTeen Shabbaton in NYC. Throughout the year we participate in trips and events with other Cteen chapters from southern California

At Cteen Lifelong friendships are made, and everyone feels like part of the family

Cteen Grades 9-12 | Cteen Jr Grades 6-8
Findout more online: cteenconejo.com
or contact: cteenconejo@gmail.com, 805-796-3246


The Fastest Growing Jewish Teen Network

Find out more online:
or contact: cteenconejo@gmail.com
