The Wednesday Lunch ‘N Learn Study Group

Ambassadors to the World
“G-d has chosen you to be for Him a treasured nation from amongst all nations that are upon the earth.” - DEUTERONOMY 7:6

Join us for our popular Lunch ‘N Learn Study Group as we delve into the concept and meaning of a “Chosen People”. Why were we chosen? What were we chosen for? Is it not racist or arrogant to call yourself chosen? What is the G-dly prescription for acting chosen? Are we doing a good job as G-d’s Chosen People?

Weekly Class Sponsorship: If you would like to co-sponsor a class in honor of a special occasion or in memory of a loved one with a $54 contribution, please visit

Rabbi Moshe D. Bryski
Rabbi Moshe Bryski has served as the Executive Director of Chabad of the Conejo for the past thirty years. Highlighting his achievements is the founding and directing of the Conejo Jewish Academy – a unique adult education institute that has served as a model for dozens of other communities from throughout the world. He and his wife Matty are the spiritual leaders of Chabad of Agoura Hills and have been blessed with eight children and eight grandchildren.

The Wednesday Lunch ‘N Learn Study Group

A Textual Torah Study Group

Spring Semester Begins April 29
12:30 p.m.

Rabbi Moshe D. Bryski

No Fee

Every week on Wed, until Jun 3, 2020, 6 occurrence(s)

Meeting ID: 682 153 822 -

Past Event
Please register on line in advance of the course for the purpose of us keeping a roster.

To join the class or lecture, please click the link. However, there is the possibility that might switch to necessitating a student code to log in and/or changes to Meeting ID’s. Therefore, we request that you register on line so that we can communicate with you if there are any changes to the format.

We will be monitoring CDC guidelines as to when we can restart any assembly programs.
We will notify our students and participants when we have clearance to begin again.
