Shabbat in the Heights

For singles, couples and famlies


• A visit to 770, The Rebbe's House and the Ohel
• A tour of the Crown Heights neighborhood
• Uplifting chassidic gatherings
• Insightful talks, group learning and discussions
• Meet inspiring personalities
• Gourmet kosher cuisine

Shabbat in the Heights

A Spirited Shabbat experience in the heart of the Chabad-Lubavitch movement

Friday - Sunday
May 5-7 • 14-16 Iyar

No Fee
Per Adult - $279.00
Per Child - $100.00

Includes: Program, housing and gourmet cuisine meals - does not include airfare.

Register Today click here

Please make a contribution of any size to help defray the cost of the semester:
optional donation.
Past Event
