The Chosen People

Ambassadors to the World

“G-d has chosen you to be for Him a treasured nation
from amongst all nations that are upon the earth.”

Join us for our popular Lunch & Learn Study Group as we study the Book of Deuteronomy, Moses’ last will and testament to the Children of Israel and mission statement to each and every Jew of every generation.

Weekly Class Sponsorship: If you would like to co-sponsor a class in honor of a special occasion or in memory of a loved one with a $54 contribution, please visit click here

The Chosen People

A Textual Torah Study Group with Rabbi Moshe D. Bryski

Winter Semester Begins Jan. 17
Spring Semester Begins May 8
12:30 pm

Rabbi Moshe D. Bryski

The Academy – Center for Jewish Life

No Fee

Lunch Served Following Class – Contributions Encouraged

Please make a contribution of any size to help defray the cost of the semester:
optional donation.
Past Event
