Laurence & Debra Michelson
Laurence & Debra Michelson

As joy and humor are essential components of Jewish culture and tradition, Laurence and Debra Michelson have a way of bringing that positive energy with them wherever they go.

Casual, spontaneous, charming and cheerful, Laurence and Debra and their two sons, Jacob and Jordan, stand ready to share a laugh, a meal, some wit and wisdom, with just about anyone, anywhere, at any time. Dispensing with formalities, they tear down barriers as they connect - heart to heart - with people from all walks of life.

His jovial and lighthearted manner notwithstanding, Laurence is an accomplished businessman, having made his mark in the advertising, publishing and real estate industries, among others. Today, Laurence is the Founder and CEO of MAS (Michelson Attorney Service) which provides a full range of logistical services to clients and law firms in expediting various legal matters.

Debra, who left her profession as a hair stylist to devote herself full time to her family, was initially unsure what to expect when they decided to adopt a more traditional Jewish lifestyle. Since then, not only has she come to appreciate the many blessings the journey has brought into their lives, but she embraces it with joy every step of the way.

On June 18, 2024, as Chabad of the Conejo honors Laurence and Debra Michelson for their generosity and leadership, no less of a motivation for many will be the smiles and feel-good spirit they consistently introduce to the community at large.

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Bryan & Samantha Molinar
Bryan & Samantha Molinar
Young Leadership Award

If one were seeking to identify a prototypical couple who personify the Chabad ideal of gradual but steady spiritual growth, Bryan and Samantha Molinar - recipients of Chabad of the Conejo's 2024 Young Leadership Award - would certainly fit the bill.

Taking things one substantive step at a time, the Molinars and their three children - Olivia, Jack and Leo - have become consistent participants at Chabad's programs and services and have also taken a leadership role in inspiring other young families to come along for the ride.

Bryan, a Financial Advisor at Wells Fargo Advisors, provides comprehensive investment guidance and financial planning for a select clientele of entrepreneurs and professionals. With his lifelong dedication to learning and personal development, Bryan has recently been channeling these passions and aspirations toward a stronger commitment to Judaism.

Samantha Molinar (nee Block), daughter of longtime friends and supporters of Chabad, Tom and Talia Block, has many fond childhood memories of her participation in Chabad programs and events over the years. A marriage and family therapist by profession, Samantha is delighted that those experiences are coming full circle with her own children in the very same community.

Youthful and energetic, gracious and conscientious, the Molinars stand as model examples of how to navigate the myriad responsibilities of raising a young family while being integral members of a vibrant and growing community.

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