Israel: Responding with Strength and Meaning

With Guest Speaker
Rabbi Dr Laibl Wolf
LL.B M.Ed.Psych. D.Div., Lawyer, Psychologist, Author, Hassidic Teacher

Due to the savage attack on Simchat Torah and the ongoing war in Israel and Gaza, we have changed the topic of Rabbi Dr. Laibl Wolf's lecture to focus on Israel. We will invite him back in the future for his originally scheduled talk on Artificial Intelligence.

Rabbi Dr Wolf is an unusual exponent of ancient wisdoms and cutting-edge psychology. Lawyer and psychologist as well as an ordained Hasidic Rabbi, he is an internationally renowned speaker, and the celebrated author of the best-selling ‘Practical Kabbala’ (published by Random House). His works have been highly acclaimed by diverse world leaders such as Rabbi Lord Sir Jonathan Sacks obm, and the Dalai Lama.

Israel: Responding with Strength and Meaning

Monday, October 23
8:00 pm

The Academy – Center for Jewish Life

$12.00 advance reservations
$15.00 at door

Past Event
