The Rebbe's Army<br>Spotlight: Long Island

Join us for a delightful Friday Night Shabbat Dinner followed by a lecture

With Special Guest Speakers
Rabbi Tuvia & Chaya Teldon

In 1977, a young couple was sent to Long Island, NY to start the first Chabad Center on the peninsula. Today there are 55 Rabbis and 40 Chabad institutions under their leadership. Join us for a Shabbat Dinner and hear their remarkable and inspiring story of faith, resilience, and exponential growth.

Rabbi Tuvia and Chaya Teldon, each an author and lecturer in their own right, will also be speaking on Shabbat day, during and after Services. The Shabbat day program is open to all. No reservations necessary.

The Rebbe's Army
Spotlight: Long Island


Friday Evening
January 19
6:00 pm

The Academy – Center for Jewish Life

Adult - $36.00
Children (ages 7-13) - $15.00
Children (ages 3-6) - $10.00
Sponsor - $180.00

Friday Evening
Dinner at 6:00 p.m.
Followed by Lecture

Advanced Reservations Required

